Sunday, January 11, 2009

Cross country ski-jouring

Fortunately I was able to follow Dad's lead and go score a nice new pair of cross country ski's, boots, and poles from a lodge that is not doing so well. Shaemus and I now have the complete setup and can hit the lake for some ski-jouring. If you are not sure what the heck that means, it is Shaemus, a one dog sled team pulling me as I ski behind him. He doesn't do all the work though, I need to constantly remind him that it is OK to be pulling hard, as I herd him along the trail.  After we ran so much together with the setup he could only run me so fast, so he is hesitant to break out. That in combination with being out of shape makes for an interesting, but really fun time. We have had a lot going on lately, as a result both our fitness has been struggling. It is time to turn it around, the arduous work season is now on the horizon and getting tough is essential.  

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