Friday, January 11, 2008


I went skiing at Mt. Bachelor yesterday, not as good as a couple days ago but it snowed all day and the snow was amazing. The ride home was intense to say the least and by the time we got back to Bend (20 miles) it was all rain. The weather up there is out of control, it will be sunny in Bend and the mountain is a complete blizzard. I was supposed to go to the gym after but "Jordo" Mac's friend came into town so we stayed home.

I got up late this morning around 9:30. I felt like shit for not running or swimming yesterday but the day of skiing was hard, so a night of rest was most likely needed. I went on a 45 min run this morning on the Deschutes river trail which turned out to be a great run along the river right out the front door of my house. I bought some Yak Tracks for my shoes so the snow and ice isn't so bad. It was sunny and pretty warm out making for a great workout.

I have been Applying for smokejumping positions all over the country and it is real nerve racking. Talking to the different bases and the "Jumpers" is like walking into the lions den. With so many applications they really let you know that it is not for everyone, and if you don't have much fire experience forget about it. You have to basically convince them through recommendations and references that your in shape enough, and mentally ready to be a smokejumper. Needless to say it is tough to portray yourself through words when your nervous as hell. Anyway, i'm heading to Boise, ID for an interview on Wednesday with the Boise Smokejumpers which is part of the BLM not the forest service. I have some administrative duties to take care of today so hopefully i can get it all taken care of. For now though off to get a good cup of coffee.

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