Monday, November 24, 2008

Working on the roof

With Bill in charge, and Tim and I hard at work we managed to get the roof on the porch. The weather was brutal the whole time, but getting the roof on was a huge accomplishment. Thanks again to Tim for helping out, it really was a three man job most the time and he knew what he was doing so it went smooth. 

Big Dog Little Dogs

Poor Shaemus was feeling pretty down when Eddie and Tico were being cradled. We felt bad but what can you do?  Then it came to me, now he is back to his old happy self

Putting the roof on, Tim comes for a visit!

With the window closing quick on outside work, and snow already coating the ground, we put a drive on to get the roof put on cabin five. By pure coincidence My cousin Tim came for a visit, cutting my workload in half. Tim already had a good idea of what was going on so I was able to sort of hide behind him when Bill (Dad' friend the carpenter) asked us to do something.  Thanks Tim

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Travel Travel Travel

I have been driving all over the state of Maine and most recently down to Mass for my Mom's Birthday. I did not take many pictures except for one morning after running on Long Sands Beach in York. Shaemus was on suicide watch due to lack of exercise and poor ownership. He was stoked and we were friends again by the time I took this.

Winter is here.......sigh

Winter is here, it is cold, I saw some snow flakes. That's it, goodbye fall, sigh...... Everything seems to be harder when it gets cold. We have a few key projects like a water line to finish and now that it is cold ass hell everything is freezing. We should have the water line done in the net few days if we can get the insulation tomorrow and the stars align. This is a look at a small portion of the ditch Dad dug with the tractor, those piles of backfill are covered with hay tonight so they hopefully don't freeze. 

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Just to thank Donna for the spa treatment, Eddie decided to get into her bag of Knitting supplies, and projects. He got all kinds of tangled up and made a huge mess. Tico left a thank you card next to Donna's bed. Good dog Tico.

Only the best for the little ones...

The "boys" as Tico and Eddie are affectionately referred to, needed to be groomed. They were taken to non other than the finest groomer money could buy. Houlton's own..........

Shaemus goes hunting

So the other day I was looking around for Shaemus, when he came out of what looked to be his tree stand. Apparently he has got into hunting since he has come to Maine. He has his two articles of orange on these days so he is legal. Good Dog, I hope you get a big one bud!

Dr. Lord administering.......something

A broken women

Liv came up to the camps about a month ago on the eve of her knee surgery. She was to have her ACL operated on in York after tearing it in an alumni soccer game at UMaine Farmington, drag. She was more than happy to go fishing in the rain all weekend with me even though we caught nothing, unreal! This would be the start of some bad luck....... What was to be routine turned tragic when she was diagnosed with a staff infection. So instead of a quick recovery she spent a week in York Hospital and the last couple weeks laid up on the couch. Liv was able to come up to the lake after surgery just recently, hopefully enjoying a couple days with some different scenery. We enjoyed having her up, she even let me administer her some antibiotics, (or something) what a trip! It was great to spend some time with her, and well be running together in no time! Here are some pictures of before and after the surgery, get well soon sweetie, or should I say, Captain Liv

Donna and I hit the ditch full force

It was a rainy day and we were again laying sewer pipe. Donna and I were in the ditch wrestling with the pipe and untangling a mess that WE created. After this roll we were sure to take extra care to look at the roll and get it laying the correct way. As you can see we were struggling and glad to be done. Coffee was administered shortly after this picture was taken.

1300 ft of 2" plastic pipe layed

We have managed to hookup and lay 1300ft of sewer pipe. Man, this stuff is a pain in the neck and tough as hell to roll out. Despite it being cold as hell, and inflexible, we managed to do it. We insulated the pipes and backfilled as we went. We have a whole lot more to backfill but a good sized dent has been made. Hopefully we can get to some other projects that are a little more glorious.

Moving the oil tanks

In order to finish the ditching, two giant oil tanks had to be moved from behind cabin # 5. To our amazement the tractor was able to lit them up no problem.